Teaching in the 4th EdTech Revolution

The Journey to
e-Education Island

Teaching with technology is not simply about finding an app or getting the latest shiny device - it is much more than this. If we want to be effective with how we teach with technology, both online and in blended learning, we need to understand how teaching has changed from traditional teaching to e-education. We need to understand that not all technology-based teaching is the same. How we navigate e-education and he approaches we take, will make all the difference. This video will bring you on a short journey from Education Island to e-Education Island. Here you will discover and experience the two zones, and what Active Connected Teaching is all about. Be prepared to be ACTivated!

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Would you like the most highly qualified and experienced EdTech team in the world to help you navigate the future of education?

Many people can build your house, but if you needed to build a house on the edge of a cliff you would want the best available experts helping you. As educators, we find ourselves on the edge of the proverbial cliff of change. How we build our education institutes now will impact what happens in the uncertain times ahead. To help you build the best education institution possible, we have assembled what is arguably, the most highly qualified and experienced team of education technology experts in the world.


ACT Education was founded by Dr. Craig Blewett who has over 25 years experience in education as well as a PhD in education technology. He has written many books and is an internationally acclaimed speaker and writer. His innovative ACT approach to education has been developed into a book, online courses, workshops, webinars, and more. His approach has been featured on TV, radio, and international media, and has been described as “genius”, “a mind shift of epic proportions” and “a renaissance”. Unlike most traditional approaches to modern education, the ACT approach is based on proven research, years of experience, and thousands of educators’ input.

However, supporting the future of education is more than an approach and courses. It requires helping institutions assess their needs, providing guidance, and developing and supporting teaching platforms. And so, Dr. Blewett has assembled the Education Technology Dream Team that includes some of education technologies greatest minds:

  • Prof. Craig Blewett, Founder and CEO of ACT Education, PhD in Education Technology, Developer of the Active Connected Teaching approach.
  • Prof. Dick Ng’ambi, Founder & Director of the Educational Technology Inquiry Lab (ETILAB) at UCT
  • Dr. Upasana Singh, PhD in Education Technology and Senior Lecturer in IT at UKZN
  • Dr. Eli Fianu, PhD in Education Technology and adjunct lecturer at Ghana Technology University
  • Mr Daniel Adeboye, Completing a PhD in Education Technology on the ACT approach, EdTech Consultant, Nigeria
  • Dr. Friederike Voigt, PhD from University of Mainz, Germany, experience as CEO, Lecturer, Teacher, and ACTivated Education specialist
  • Ms Sarah Blewett, Completing a Masters in Online Learning Engagement and Education Technolgy, EdTech Specialist.

In addition to this team, several PhD and Masters research projects are underway at universities around the world exploring the ACT approach and seeking ways to further extend its effectiveness for teaching and learning.

An education journey that starts at pre-school reaches its pinnacle in a Ph.D approx. 25 years later. However, very few reach this lofty goal. Of those who do, only a small subset earn this pinnacle qualification specialising in education. And of these, even fewer have a PhD specialising in education technology. As education institutes step into a new dawn, who better to lead us than a team of pinnacle education technologists. Our team looks forward to assisting your institution on your journey to 21st-century education.

About Activated Academy

This site and the core principles of the Activated Classroom (ACT) approach are based on the work of Dr. Craig Blewett. His work has been featured widely in the media (see below) in addition to being presented at conferences and published in journals and books.

Our ACT Team would love to help you with your journey to e-Education.

Please complete the form below to begin the journey.

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Active Connected Teaching Course - Group Journey

Perfect for schools universities and businesses looking for a flexible learning experience on how to teach effectively in online and blended learning situations.